Spreading SPARKS
in Lithuania


“Fresh ideas and skills for working with teenagers”

“A clearer framework for empowering youth”

“Creative strategies to drive collective change”

“New perspectives for fostering social-emotional learning”


🌱 Here are some of the testimonies from participants at a two-days SPARKS training in Lithuania, facilitated by Gemmes at the invitation of Domus Solis. This social change incubator based in Vilnius is designing and implementing innovative and impactful educational programmes for children and youth. They will be using the SPARKS character development programme to complement their existing material and pedagogical approaches.

💫 During the training, we worked with a group of 19 dedicated educators and teachers on the topics of identity & inclusion as well as empathy & responsibility. We came back inspired and enriched by the depth of the discussions and many new learnings.

Thank you Irena Blaževičė and Ernesta Skebere for this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Domus Solis and your partners as well as for the warmth with which you welcomed Gemmes to your beautiful city. We look forward to strengthening our partnership in the months to come and joining our energies together to serve the needs of the youth and their educators.

Thank you Lina Benete of Think Equal for your intuition to connect us with Domus Solis and for participating in the training.

And finally, thank you to our SPARKS facilitators Krisztina Gaudry and Sherif Rushdy, for putting so much effort and passion into this new project.