Our trainers and facilitators
Our trainers and facilitators
Educational coordination

Muriel Pouget
Head of pedagogy – SPARKS trainer – Facilitator
"Helping children grow with respect and safety allows them to gain confidence, dare to take risks, and learn from their mistakes. Assisting them in discovering their potential, getting to know themselves better, and living better with others can only contribute to a spontaneously more humane and supportive society. The strength of the SPARKS program lies in the positive impact that individuals can have on themselves and the collective."

Mathilde Travail
Head of partnerships – SPARKS trainer – Facilitator
"Above all, I love building bridges between different actors, bringing them together, and encouraging them to work together. I enjoy helping everyone change their perspective on themselves, others, and the world. In each of my interventions, I aim to transmit joy and confidence and share with young people a sincere hope to inspire them to engage in the service of others."

Krisztina Gaudry
Member of the educational coordination team – SPARKS trainer – Facilitator
"My dream is to build caring and respectful communities where everyone can access their best selves. This place of safety enables young people to gain confidence and tap into their inner wealth."
SPARKS training
The SPARKS training is designed for teachers who wish to conduct SPARKS workshops for young people aged 12-18. The training team consists of experienced facilitators with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise. They all share a common vision for youth, a passion for personal and collective transformation tools, and a shared aspiration to build a better world through education. They are all trained in the SPARKS educational approach and can work with schools both in France and internationally.

"What really makes me happy is connecting with others. I love meeting new people, engaging in empowering discussions, and seeing the Spark come alive in people."

"Every brain is unique, and every person learns differently. Pedagogy must be adaptive, considering emotions, powerful memory fixers, and the body's needs"

"I love this quote by Jung: 'Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.'"

"I also want to improve the quality of human relationships within educational institutions and to support educational teams in opening up new possibilities for exploring young people's potential."






"Each of us has our flaws; they allow the light to enter. Learn to know them, explore them, and savor being yourself, at peace, to play your unique part in the world."


« Être au contact des enfants et adolescents me ramène à l’essentiel : la joie de l’instant présent et une créativité sans limite. A travers mes interventions, mon intention est de leur offrir ce même cadeau : les accompagner à se connecter à leur singularité, à leurs ressources intérieures et au courage qui sommeille en eux, pour qu’ils osent être eux-mêmes et contribuent à un monde plus conscient et solidaire. »

"Young people surprise us when they express themselves with sincerity. My dream is for them to have encounters that inspire them to build a more fulfilling and responsible future."

« Albert Eistein a dit ‘Tout le monde est un génie. Mais si vous jugez un poisson à sa capacité de grimper à un arbre, il vivra toute sa vie en croyant qu’il est stupide.’ Mon objectif est de révéler les talents afin que chacun trouve sa juste place dans le monde. »

"Clemenceau said, 'a life is a work of art.' Art and my life intertwine, and I hope to share and transmit this 'art of living' to many because it's liberating!"

"As a child, I had the privilege of growing up with an association that gave me space for reflection and creativity, and instilled strong values in me. I would like to be able to offer the same to others."

"We all have moments of joy and sadness. Living through these moments in their full authenticity - without judgment, fear, or attachment - allows us to find harmony and experience our natural expansion. It's about stepping out of limiting paradigms and unleashing our infinite potential."

"I am convinced of the essential role of education in the world, and I provide tools that enable young people to develop themselves and find balance between their personal fulfillment and their role in society."